Sunday, February 8, 2009


so i came back from LA on the 1st of Feb..unfortunately i spent my birthday out in LA, my first reason for goin out there was to teach a group of dancers one of my pieces but they ended up changing plans and decided id come some other i ended up just makin it a random trip with 2 of my best friends..
left for LA friday morning around noon...was pretty tiered cause the night before i spent the whoooooole night tryin to find us a place to stay. didnt sleep till 7 that morning we left. We got to my friends houe in LA around 7. we rested up for just a lil bit then my friend took us out to a place called "Bicallis" food was iight.

After that we decided to roome the city a bit, but ej, jack, and i got a lil tiered so we decided to go back to our friends house and just decided to sing, go on youtube, tell stories, and what not ended up watching BOLT before we slpet. The next morning my friend sian made us some breakfast and then we ended up goin to our hotel to get ready for some site seeing. in all honesty it was my first time out there and it was the only day we could really see much. it was cool i even met someone too...i thought he was so cute..

i had a good time on the strip being that it was my frist time and all.. one of thing si had set on my mmind before i had got to LA was that i needed to go get some ROSCOES..and sure enough we had gone straight to ROSCOES..and man o man!!!! i tore that whole place apart.

after that we had gone to china town we wer eplanning on staying but it was taking us forever to find parking se we decided to go home. We had dropped our friends off around china town...and we headed back to our hotel. Weve rested up for a littlbe bit..and then got ready for the club. The club wasnt as crackin as SF, so we left, i think it was just cause we werent 21 yet. It was as if every room we went in had a bar, and not one person in the club was sober other than us three. So we decided to head towrds Ej destination, PINKS hotdogs.

yeah thats a hot dog, i was suprised only cause it was the first hot dog i had with NO KETCHUP..lmao...yeah..this is what i had at on my bday..the line was incredibly long, i think it wrapped around the whole venue into the parking lot..and it wasnt even funny...lmao..we spent almost an hour in line for our hot dogs..and believe me it was worth the wait..ej's hot dog was insane. it was like a burritto.. i wanted to laugh and tell her it loooked gross as she was eating but it looked pretty good..hahah..we didnt get to our hotel till about 3 maybe 330am the to the hotel and knocked the hell out..we left for SF about noon..stoped by the mall to get some coffee before we left.. and headed dor the bay. Regardless if i didnt have much to do, or didnt have expense to do alot, i had fun with the things i was able to do. what was even more fun, was that i spent it with people i knew. the area was just so serine that i could see my self out there. other than having fun, i have to admit that this trip was kind of emotional for me and my friend jack. The trip gave us time to breathe and just gave us time to think about shit thats been goin on in our own home. but it was a good trip...i know for a fact im gonna be goin down their alot fact im thinkin about movin down fact i told my mom im goin to move down their in a year from now to persue dancing...but yeah.. i a.lso have to admit that i did miss the BAY...its good to be back home..