Sunday, February 15, 2009


so before i talk about valentines day...lets go back to last week, i got my 3rd tattoo, its my family last name, just cause thats how much i love'em...but tell me why that ink is so wack it looks like its fading.. so imma get it redone..imma draw the what over that designs to make it a lil more fuller.. dont get me wrong the artist did great.. but i guess we didnt really understand each other..

so valentines day..was not crackin!!! i consider it "happy single awareness day"...i really dont want to talk about just cause i really didnt do much.. but i did have fun with my family, they came all the way from vallejo just to kick it with my sis and i...since we dont have anyone to spend it with.. originally we were supposed to bar-b-que...but we were like fuck it its raining and cold.. so we oerdered pizza &some hot wings and grabbed 2 bottles of heem and a bottle of jager.. we got fucked up....i love my family...but yeah other than that it was just like my friend Drew said its "JUST another Saturday"..iight well have a goodone...